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Revolutionary Worship

All of life for God's glory

William Taylor


50 for £1


Revolutionary Worship

All of life for God's glory

William Taylor



10+ for £4.89 each (saving 30%)

25+ for £3.50 each (saving 50%)

50+ for £1.00 each (saving 86%)

All over the world, wherever we find human existence, people worship. Whatever we worship, whether the good life, our local football team, our self-image, or something else, we are all worshippers. The Christian understanding of worship is revolutionary when compared to all other worship in the world, yet our tendency is to compartmentalise it, holding worship apart from our day-to-day lives.

In this book, William Taylor explains how the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus has revolutionised our worship such that it involves the whole of our life – in our work, in the hospital, in the hair salon, or in the football stands. Revolutionary Worship challenges us to not see worship as one hour in church on a Sunday, but rather as a 24/7, 360° affair, where every place we enter is a space of worship.

This helpful book will encourage anyone who struggles to see how worship is relevant in their daily lives.

  • Title

    Revolutionary Worship

  • Author(s)

    William Taylor

  • Series


  • ISBN


  • Format


  • Publisher


  • Topic

    Work & Money, Church

  • Audience


  • Pages


  • Published


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4.0 based on 1 review

Revolutionary Worship

This book is based on five sermons preached at St Helen’s Bishopsgate, London in 2018 (although they have been updated to mention the Covid lockdown). There are also some helpful questions at the end. Taylor argues that we are called to worship God in spirit and truth (John 4.24) and thus holy living is the core of true worship (Romans 12.1–3). We don’t need a worship leader in any gathering, because Jesus Christ is our worship leader. The finished word of God in Jesus Christ has completely replaced the tangible worship of the Old Covenant (Hebrews 12.18–13.8). We should avoid the dead ends of mysticism and experientialism. Thus, the first four sermons are an inspiring call to holy living in worship of our God. Taylor is weakest on corporate worship in the fifth sermon on Ephesians 5.18–20. He recognises that corporate worship has both a horizontal and a vertical element but struggles to articulate a reason for why the gathering of believers on a Sunday is any more important than a home group or meeting someone one to one. This forgets that believers have been meeting a Sunday from the start (Acts 20.7, 1 Corinthians 16.1–2). When we meet together, we also witness to the world that God is calling a people as a living temple united in worshipping him (1 Peter 2). A very readable book that urges us to worship God by seeking holiness in every aspect of our lives.

Stephen Ayre

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